Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sonic Somber Lullably

Why am I always impressed with unusually mundane music?

Interpol's "Turn On the Bright Lights" is pure bliss. It makes me think this signifies the New York music scene, I can almost see the dark, lonely city when I listen to "Obstacle 1" or "Stella Was a Diver and She was Always Down". I think the album really comes to fruition not in "Obstacle 2" as some would might think.... but I really like "Roland" and "The New". AWESOME TRACKS! The later really works me into a good mood.

Speaking of bands from New York, a band called A Place to Bury Strangers (some apparently really-indie shoegazer, dark wave, Jesus and the Mary Chain soundalike band)... that is self-described the "loudest band in New York," recently was excused (or kicked out of) a CMJ show for being too loud (go figure). I am not the big of fan of shoegazer (I find it to be the purest form of elitism), but they didn't sound that bad. I did cross into 19 days of music on the iTunes account, so I don't think I'll ever buy a record, but.....

I did also suspend my credit card from iTunes because I spend WAY too much money. Good for me!

Today, I finished my Saints in Art and Latin exams, which I think I did beautifully on both. Tomorrow is the good ole Anthropology and Catholic Morality... which both look pretty good. Did I mention I got into an argument with a classmate of mine (of whom I graduated with at CBC) on the topic of professional wrestling. Lets back up a bit...

He posted me on facebook acouple of days ago, saying something like that I hated him. I told him I didn't hate him, by no means, I just got frustrated with him. He ventured on to ask why and of course being on facebook and not incurring the wrath of this gentlemen, I told him why. I said occasional he acted rather irrational about certain topics that kind of irked me... 

The end of the argument for space and time came to this... I made the comment that a number of people make some ridiculously offensive remarks about me entering the seminary, my faith in God and the Church, and so on and so forth. I take these quite passively, because I don't want to sound judgmental.... Of course, he brings up me attack professional wrestling (because I don't like it very much)... I said professional wrestling and religion are two different things. He said they weren't. So me entering the seminary is sorta like him paying $30 for a Pay-Per-View event.

To Cameron my friend: Professional wresting = Religion

I honestly can't believe I have to defend against this. Of course, everyone in this circle of friends understands not me, but him. As if I'm the judgmental one for thinking such outlandish things like a transcendental being writing on our hearts the desire to know and love Him is in no way compared to watching some bald, juiced up, retard smash a chair on someone's head. To me this sounds so completely ridiculous. I just can't believe he is one hundred percent serious. This guy also has relativism to the nth degree down pat, its so imbued in his brain that he couldn't possibly think outside his little head. I'm not so frustrated at this as much as I am frustrated at our culture and society for producing such denizens. I mean, I am sure most of my generation can make the difference between sports entertainment and religion. I honestly don't freaking care what you consider entertainment as long as its not immoral. There is so much running in our generation that is making us eat ourselves alive. We have some bright lights, those involved in the Faith are more prone to orthodoxy, thats impressive considering everything they've been "taught" about religion to be true. Its those other people out there, who think movies like "Saw" are really descent entertainment and who's only concern is what Paris Hilton is doing. There is so much of a dichotomy in our generation from holy to ugly and profane. Where are we headed? Right towards a collision course... there will be many casualties.

Our Lady of America. Pray for us.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm Always Late

Yes, I haven't written on my blog in awhile...

I am officially 1/6 done with my freshman year of college. Tomorrow I am taking my Saints in Art and Latin exam and I will be 1/2 done.

As of late, I've been through mess of musical phases. I bought the new Raconteurs album, which is much more upbeat and I guess... harder than "Broken Boy Soldiers"... I don't usually rate albums with scores, but only in comparison to other albums of the same artist or genre. You can't put Jars of Clay up against Mastodon... two different styles of music. Anyways, better than their first but there still something I liked off the first that isn't on the second. The last track called "Carolina Drama" has the story (sorta) resembled like "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia". Nine Inch Nails also self-released another album called "The Slip". With a couple of listens, I can tell this a better Trent Reznor than "With Teeth"... I'm still listening to "With Teeth" today, can't get over "Right Where You Belong"... little piano in the background, with his soft voice and thundering beats saturated here and there. He always goes off with a soft note... expect for "The Slip" which has we wondering whether if he wanted to break the mold with this released being freed from major labels. Still, I don't think either of these efforts will match his "Pretty Hate Machine", "Downward Spiral" or "The Fragile" releases....

Now for the last hour or so memorizing Art History paintings, I listened to The Postal Service and David Crowder*Band.

Enough with the music.

The week, with everything ending and coming at me at the same time, makes my mind a little frayed. Honestly, I haven't been faithful with praying my Breviary... I just realized at 9:22 that I haven't prayed Evening Prayer. (sigh)... I don't want to think "Oh I'm only a freshmen"... that seems lame. I keep thinking, "What I do as a seminarian, I will do as a priest." I thought I would go into the seminary with that in mind... and keep living up to it. I haven't been keeping that in mind this year as much as I wanted to have. Sure, I make it down to chapel early enough, but when I get there, I'm so tired I can't really pray "productively". I recite the Office and move on to a mixture between dozing off and praying words of struggle to stay awake. In the afternoon, besides Mondays, my time in the chapel has been awesome... when I make it there. If I'm not wasting time in my room surfing the internet, doing homework... or other useless activities, I'm sleeping. Next year, I want to take hold of my time much better than I do now. I think that its too late to start good habits because in less than two weeks summer will be here and things will be so different.

"If I'm out of my mind, its you."

Now, I guess I'll explain the title of my blog. Sadly I picked a Depeche Mode song... "All I ever wanted, All I ever needed, was you in my heart..." Even sadder, I learned of that song from a cover done by a straight up hardcore band called Evergreen Terrace. I used to like them alot, but now not so much...